Of UFOs, J.F.K., & the C.I.A.

Whose Government Is It, Anyway?
“A Science Fiction Story”
Editor’s Note: In April of 1991, a mysterious envelope appeared at the Big Shout Magazine offices with an illegible return address. There were no instructions or correspondence to the editors, just simply this typed “science fiction story” attributed to an author named KoKo X. With the passage of time, many of the incidences and items mentioned in the story as “fiction” have come to be known as fact through the Freedom of Information Act and testimony of government whistle blowers like that of Milton William Cooper, who is a very real character mentioned in the story.
By KoKo X
May 1991, Big Shout Magazine
Truth is stranger than fiction, and fiction masquerades in truth’s clothing. As to the following — well, you be the judge:
A once-in-a-blue moon shivered above a New Year’s Eve as the group sat around a campfire, rubbing shoulders and storytelling. The stars were bright, close, almost moving.
Suddenly two strangers approached, a man and a woman with blond halos of hair. Stranger still, they carried not stone tablet, lecture sheet or books, but a TV and VCR in hand. The place went quite like some E.F. Hutton ad as the barefoot man flicked in a tape and said, “Watch and listen, wonder and weep.”
A man appeared on the screen, standing at a podium. He was Caucasian, with a medium build and dark, receding hair and appeared to be in his early 50s. He wore a sport shirt open at the neck. Though not necessarily a polished speaker, he began to talk in a calm, purposeful manner.
“My name is Milton William Cooper. I was raised in a military family. My ancestors, since they’ve been in this country, have been government people; we fought in all the wars. We care about this country, and the Constitution, which is the United States of America.
“I went into the Air Force, the Strategic Air Command, after I left home. As a child, I’d heard stories from my father — now a retired Air Force colonel — and other pilots about Foo fighters, or UFOs — strange craft that were not made on this Earth. As a kid, you hear that in passing, and it’s neat and you giggle about it and go out and play ‘space man’ and forget it.
“When I was in the Air Force I met men who had participate in alien crashed-craft recoveries. Now this intrigued me, but it was usually after quite a few drinks that these stories would come out, and sometimes the next morning I couldn’t remember what the guy said.
The First Inkling
“When I left the Air Force, I went into the Navy. I intended to go from service to service and thought that this would be a pretty exciting life. I volunteered for submarines. In the early ’60s I was stationed on the sub U.S.S. Tyroot, SS-416, on transit between the Portland/Seattle area and Pearl Harbor, which was our home port. I was on port lookout and I saw a craft approximately 2.5 nautical miles off the port bow. It was saucer shaped, the size of a Midway class aircraft carrier — which is to say, huge. It appeared to be moving slowly to me at that distance, but in reality it was moving pretty fast.
“I didn’t tell the officer of the deck what I saw because my daddy didn’t raise no fool, and in case nobody else saw it, I didn’t want to be the only loony on board. So I asked the officer of the deck to help me cover that area, and he did, which is common for officers to help each other while on bridge watch in case something bad happens.
“After a few seconds of watching, the same craft or one exactly like it came down out of the clouds, tumbled again on its axis and went into the water. Ensign Ball, who was the officer of the deck, was literally shocked. Seaman Dejeralimo, who was the starboard lookout, had also witnessed this. Then Ball called the captain to the bridge, who was followed by the third quartermaster, who brought a 35mm camera; and we watched for between seven and 10 minutes the same craft, or different craft, enter and leave the water. It was an incredible show. I don’t know if they knew we were there, or if they even cared, but the craft did not glow, they were metal, they were machines without a doubt, they were obviously intelligently guided, they were huge, and having been in the Air Force and Navy and knowing what it takes, I knew that the machines were not made on this Earth.
“If you’ve ever been aboard an airplane or submarine, you can readily see without even any of the technicalities involved just how difficult such a thing would be to do. And where would it be built, of that size? It changed my life because then all the stories that I’d heard all my life I knew were true, and I began seeing the world in a different light.
“It wasn’t long after that that I was trained by Naval security in intelligence and sent to Vietnam. I was assigned as a patrol boat captain, first in DaNang Harbor. With a crew and a multi-million dollar boat, my job was to gather intelligence from the people who lived around the harbor, and maintain the safety and security of the harbor and its shipping. It was there I discovered that there was a tremendous amount of UFO and alien activity in Vietnam. It was always reported in official message as ‘enemy helicopters.’
“But if you know anything about the Vietnam War, you know that the North Vietnamese did not have any helicopters, especially after the first couple of air raids up there.
“When I left Vietnam, I was eventually attached to the headquarters staff of the Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander in Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Macalappa, Hawaii, which overlooks Pearl Harbor. Our team had to know everything concerning this area of operations, which was one-half of the Earth’s surface: the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean and all the land masses in between.
“It was during this tour of duty, from 1970-73, that in the course of my duties, documents were placed in my hands that were so unbelievable and so incredible that it took me quite a while to adjust to the fact that what I was seeing was real. The documents were classified ‘Top Secret, Majic, Restricted Information,’ which is the highest security classification in the nation.
“There were two sets of documents: one called Project Grudge and another called Operation Majority. Project Grudge contained the history of alien involvement since around 1936, and it outlined Germany’s involvement with a crashed disk that they had recovered and were attempting to duplicate the technology. They were not successful despite what all the Nazi hunters want to tell you. If they had been, we would not have won the war, because you cannot beat those weapons or out fly those craft.
“They did make some headway. We captured documents, as did the Russians, and we got some scientists and some hardware. But it wasn’t until 1947 that we were able to see a whole craft, because of a crash that occurred near the city of Roswell, New Mexico. There were dead aliens recovered from the craft. There were also other photographs of live aliens, autopsies, internal organs. I also saw photographs of the alien designated ‘E.B.’ (or Ebe) who was held in captivity from 1949 until June 2, 1952 when it died. I saw the history of what they had been able to at that time put together, back from incidents in the 1800s which involved aliens and their craft.
“Early attempts to fly recovered alien craft were executed from the Tonopah test range in Nebraska, then moved to a specially built area ordered built by Eisenhower, called ‘Area 51,’ code-named ‘Dreamland,’ on the Groom Lake area of Nevada. That became an alien craft landing area; there were a lot of landings at Are 51. They also supplied us with craft and personnel to help us learn how to fly their ships, and a lot of technology was exchanged.
“We have technology way beyond the limits of what we have been told — a lot of which, since the end of WWII, has come from what occurs in Area 51 on an ongoing basis. The Stealth bomber is an example. This place does not exist officially if you ask or write letters to the government. However, if you go out there at several places outside its boundaries, you can see it from the air or from certain places at high elevation in the distance.
“In exchange for this technology, the aliens were allowed to abduct people and animals to study. Of course they erased humans’ memories of the event, but oftentimes not perfectly. There have been people all over this country who have been psychically damaged because of this ‘lost time’ of those abductions. In fact, there have been landings and abductions all over the world.
Operation Majority: The Jason Society and MJ-12
“In 1954 President Eisenhower commissioned a secret society known as the Jason Society or Jason Scholars, whose job was to sift through all the facts, evidence, technology, lies and deceptions and find out the truth of the alien question. It was and is comprised of the elite of the elite of the scientific world. Edward Teller is one of the original members. On the list I saw in 1972, there were 36 members, including six Nobel prize winners. I’ve seen recent Pentagon lists that show 51 members. They are the only ones who really know the truth about the technology today, which is not what is being taught in schools.
“These people hold the highest security clearances in the nation and also hold the protocol rank of rear admiral. MJ-12 is the name of the secret control group — the top 12 members — who have total control over everything. The director of the CIA is designated J-1 and is the director of MJ-12. Now when I say control of everything, I mean more than just the U.S. They are also in concert with Russia, with whom we’ve been sharing technology for years; part of a New World Order that has been discussed for decades. The boundaries of nations are incidental to their aims, which is eventually a single world government.
“Now if you want to see what’s happening right now, keep watching your movies, keep watching your TV ads and alien programs and books on the subject — because some of it is true. It is part of the government’s campaign to leak information out in ways that they can always deny it’s real. The reason they’re doing it this way is that they know that eventually you’re going to find out that it’s all true and real. They’re desensitizing you so that you’re not shocked, so there’s no collapse of society and the religious structures don’t fall to pieces and the stock markets go crazy, because these were their original fears; it is why all official and unofficial sightings and alien encounters still won’t be acknowledged, will in fact be derided.
“There are two things in particular that make the government’s policy regarding this information extremely dangerous and wrong. Number one, when they (MJ-12) decided to keep it secret, they needed to finance it; they couldn’t tell the public so they couldn’t tell Congress. They decided to finance it with the importation and sale of drugs.
“Now, in the documents I read in Operation Majority, it specifically states that in the late ’50s, when a future U.S. President and CIA director (i.e. George H.W. Bush) was the president/CEO of Zapata Oil Co. of Texas/Louisiana, he — in conjunction with the CIA — organized the first large-scale drug importation from South and Central America.” (Note: other large-scale drug imports had already occurred on public record — heroin exported from China by the Kuomintang gang and from Laos in the ’60s.)
“It was transported by the fishing boats to the offshore oil platforms of Zapata Oil, and then from there onto the beach, thus bypassing Customs and law enforcement inspections. Another manner was/is by CIA contract aircraft from Homestead Air Force Base in Florida.
“We have affidavits from air controllers who have vectored the planes in, who have made sure they’re not interfered with in any way. Also affidavits from people who work in the Gulf of Mexico in the offshore oil business that verify that yes, drugs are coming in from some offshore oil platforms.
“Now the second reason it’s wrong is that, to keep the secret, they had to kill a lot of people who tried to leak it out. And the reason they haven’t killed me is that I have been public about it and if they touch me a lot of people are going to be confirmed in the truth.”
The Discreet Drive in Dallas
At this point, the action on the screen shifts to a grainy, obviously dated piece of film. There appears John Kennedy on his famous last ride, so burned into the memory of those 20-odd years. Again and again the film clip is shown, each time more magnified and in slower motion until, frozen frame by frozen frame, there it was: The narrator’s pointer showed the man in the front passenger seat holding the wheel of the limousine, showed the Secret Service drive turn around and point a silver, large-barreled pistol at the President, showed the exploding cranium. And the rush of exploding myth and disbelief filled the night air.
“In Operation Majority, it stated verbatim that President John F. Kennedy ordered a stop to the importation and sale of drugs to the American people within the following year. His assassination was ordered on the highest level. It involved agents of the CIA, Division-5 of the FBI, the Secret Service and the office of Naval Intelligence. His driver, William Greer, used a recoil-less, gas-powered assassination pistol that was specially built by the CIA to kill people at close range. It fired an explosive pellet which injected a large amount of shellfish toxin into the brain; that is why Kennedy’s brain was removed — so evidence of the toxin would not be found.” (Note: The existence of the CIA-manufactured shellfish toxin was first made public during the 1975 Sen. Frank Church committee hearings investigating activities of the CIA. At that time, Sen. Barry Goldwater help up a strange-looking silver gun labeled “Buck Rogers.”)
“There were a total of three bullets — besides the pellet — that were fired at Kennedy; one hit him in the throat, fired from the grassy knoll, and two were fired from behind, from the book depository building, and hit Governor Connelly. Connelly is known as the ‘can-do’ man in intelligence community circles, because he took two hits and still kept his mouth shut.
“Most copies of the Abraham Zapruder film that can be purchased have that segment cut out. Watch the people in the background running along the highway — first they’re in one place and then they are abruptly somewhere else. And after all, as many times as you’ve watched that film, edited or not, were you ever looking at the driver? And why does Jackie Kennedy continue to keep quiet about what she could not have avoided seeing? Who protects her and her children for life? The Secret Service.
“There were at least 17 people who did see what the driver did, and they all died under mysterious circumstances within two years of the event. The odds of that happening are on in three trillion.
“The source of the material I saw in 1972 was part of a Navy counter-intelligence operation against MJ-12 in order for the Navy to find out the truth. The Navy at that time — at least the Navy I worked for — were not participants in any of this. If possible, they wanted a cut in on the technological action, and control of some of the projects — projects all buried deep within the “Black Budget” and paid for largely by drug money.
“All of this is shocking, but the answer is not to revolt. It is to do what you should have done all along — get involved with your government. Get a copy of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, know what they are and mean, because those documents are your country. Then start calling, writing, visiting legislators and the President, and start leaning on them to straighten up this government and give us the truth — no more baloney.
“The Secret Government may own the executive branch, but we the people own the Congress, and Congress makes the laws. You have the right to petition for redress of injuries, so you are powerful with your information and your vote. A one-world government may be coming — possibly put in place by the sudden, perfectly timed release of information about a staged ‘alien threat’ which the whole world would unite to combat. But we can beat them to the punch if we know a few things. And no matter what government we end up with, we should demand it be based on democracy instead of deceit.”
The screen goes blank. The questions and the pieces of the puzzle arrange and rearrange themselves in the mind, and the answers remain to be seen.
As Ripley would say, “Believe it or not.”
Inquiring minds who’d like to know more about Operation Majority and the Jason Society can write to William Cooper, 19744 Beach Blvd., Suite 301, Huntington Beach, CA 92648